Monday, August 10, 2015


Over the past twenty-five plus years I have had the privilege to serve three institutions:  (1) President of the College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago (COSTAATT); (2) Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Vice President/Dean of Strategic Planning and Information Technology/Chief Technology Officer, Vice President/Dean of Finance and Development/Chief Financial Officer, Acting Dean of the School of Business and Public Administration, Senior Policy Advisor, at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York; and (3) Vice President of Finance and Strategy at Bethune-Cookman University.
Before delving into my leadership journey it is important to note that the whatever success that was achieved was not because of one individual but through a collective effort of all of the relevant stakeholders coming together in pursuit of the common good of transforming the lives of the students who attended the three institutions that I had the privilege to serve in various leadership positions.
College of Science, Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and Tobago (COSTAATT)
From 2008 thru 2013, served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the largest, national undergraduate multi-campus college in Trinidad and Tobago with over 11,600 students and over 550 full-time faculty and staff.  Led and empowered an executive team of six vice presidents, faculty and staff to ensure the achievement of the College’s mission, vision and strategic goals in alignment with national education policy priorities and objectives for sustainable development.  Promoted the College’s strategic agenda with trustees, public officials, business and industry, and secured the necessary resources and partnerships to advance the College’s mission and goals for the benefit of all stakeholders. Maintained oversight of combined recurrent and capital budgets in excess of $250M.  

Strategic Leadership:  Successfully articulated and garnered the necessary support and resources for a new strategic vision aligned to national educational policy and COSTAATT’s mandate to broaden access; directed and empowered a committed team of 6 vice presidents; developed and implemented a five-year progressive and comprehensive strategic plan which established the following six strategic initiatives: Strengthen the Academic Enterprise, Broaden Access; Improve Student Success; Enhance Managerial Effectiveness and Increase Productivity; Improve Institutional Visibility and Image; and Upgrade Physical Infrastructure. The plan established realistic and attainable goals and objectives and provided the requisite resources to permit the accomplishment of the College's mission and vision; reviewed and improved governance and management systems in compliance with the legal, regulatory, and accreditation requirements; successfully sponsored the College’s first application for accreditation with the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT); built a strong platform for organizational change premised on creativity, flexibility, the pursuit of excellence, in an atmosphere of transparency and robust accountability, that transformed COSTAATT into a confident, purposeful, dynamic undergraduate college – the prototype of modern higher education in Trinidad and Tobago.     

Results: COSTAATT created history as the first institution to be granted accredited status in Trinidad and Tobago, and moreover, for the maximum period of seven years; the institution’s stability and visionary leadership were cited by the external accreditation evaluators as significant and contributory to the College’s progress, fiscal health and culture of excellence; wide ranging reforms in curriculum, organizational structure and business processes transformed the College from a two year institution offering associate’s degrees to a full-fledged undergraduate college offering an expanding range of baccalaureate degrees; initiated the process for seeking institutional and programmatic accreditation from various US accrediting agencies. The College has become 25-30 percent more efficient in utilizing resources as well as 75-80 percent more effective in achieving the following strategic goals:
Strengthen the Academic Enterprise: In alignment with national educational policy, initiated and guided the drive for major curriculum reform through a comprehensive assessment of existing programs; and the design and implementation of a new and expanded core curriculum and competency based assessment; commissioned the expansion of academic programs through the introduction of over 37 new internationally benchmarked bachelor’s degrees and four post-graduate advanced diploma programs which are aligned to sectors’ needs and market demand; spearheaded the College’s first restructuring of the academic organizational structure, rationalizing departments under major schools to create synergies and maximize use of resources; upgraded faculty appointment, evaluation, and reappointment criteria to include research and publication as necessary prerequisites; increased faculty to student ratios as well as full- to part-time faculty in compliance with accreditation requirements by recruiting over 100 new full-time faculty; petitioned review of teaching methodologies for flagship programs; established the country’s first school of journalism and communication studies; introduced the first state-of-the-art patient simulation laboratories for the practical training of nursing students; established the Division of Research and Innovation which includes 6 research institutes to strengthen the capacity for scholarly research and publication and pursue a research agenda that is linked to Government priorities for sustainable development. To date these research institutes have generated over $3.0 million dollars in research grants. Established strategic partnerships with 5 international universities and colleges and 4 local institutions to create seamless pathways and opportunities to foster collaboration and promote student success.
Results: the College has cemented its position as the leading national provider of relevant and progressive undergraduate education, offering flexible and alternative pathways in what has traditionally been an elitist system of tertiary education, and was awarded first place for Excellence in Quality Management System by the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago. Moreover, it is the preferred and in some cases sole provider in certain disciplines that are critical to the national economy; and, through the expansion of its bachelor’s degrees it has contributed to the development of the seamless national education system.  
Broaden Access: implemented a multi-faceted plan to broaden access and increase opportunity in keeping with Government’s target of 60% participation in tertiary education that included the establishment of the Department of Community Outreach and Youth Affairs to increase access and opportunity for pre-college students as well as previously underserved groups, which has helped to increase enrolment annually from 5,014 in 2008 to over 11,600 in 2012; making COSTAATT the largest national public provider of undergraduate education. Conducted feasibility studies for facilities expansion to meet unmet demand for access in previously underserved geographic areas; in 2009, opened two new campuses that to date have facilitated increase in enrollment at Tobago Campus (850 students) and South Campus (3200) in Sutton Street in San Fernando; a third site in Sangre Grande in East Trinidad opened its doors to approximately 500 students in January 2012; secured Board approval for the establishment of a permanent flagship campus on lands allocated by Government in Chaguanas; implemented plans for the development of a robust distance education capability to expand access and address the pressures of space constraints.     
Results: the College has increased enrollment by over 130 percent over a four-year period and now offers over 150 course sections in fully online and blended formats for a 144 percent increase over the last two years. The number of applications has increased from approximately 5,000 in fall 2008 to over 10,000 in the fall 2012 semester.

Improve Student Success: commissioned audit of all non-academic programs and services within the Division of Student Affairs, resulting in the design and implementation of an integrated student development plan, including: an athletics and student life program and services, health and counseling services program; devised strategies and programs to address male underrepresentation and underperformance; implemented a comprehensive academic progress policy which includes continuous assessment and early intervention strategies; spearheaded the introduction of an expanded and rebranded developmental program - COMPASS (Compensatory Programs and Academic Support Services), to strengthen academic foundations for underprepared students through the provision of tutoring services, academic advising and psychosocial support; started the phased implementation of e-readers and e-textbooks for all students; and implemented an holistic career development and management services for students, which include among other things, career fairs, exploration of graduate and professional studies, career coaching, CV preparation, and interview preparation and training. Critically also, the College has expanded relationships with key business and industry partners thereby increasing opportunities for student internships. 
Results: the College is now the only tertiary education institution in the nation, to boast a comprehensive academic and student support services developmental program (over 3500 students are currently enrolled) offering previously marginalized or excluded students the opportunity to benefit from tertiary education and the possibility of increased socio-economic mobility which have helped to increase first year retention over the past three years by at least 15 percentage points. Over the past four years the College has graduated over 4,200 students; and as a result of the introduction of a career development and management program, all students are now able to benefit from a range of services aimed at preparing them for entry into the world of work, which has resulted in approximately 75 percent of graduates receiving promotions and or offers of employment within one year of graduation.    
Enhance Organizational Effectiveness and Increase Productivity: Revised COSTAATT’s organizational structure to better align people, resources, goals and objectives in support of the new strategic priorities; strengthened the financial architecture and reporting framework to ensure greater accountability and transparency by sponsoring the comprehensive audit of the College’s financial and non-financial operations which resulted in the introduction of a series of policies and procedures that more effectively managed the collection, analysis, and reporting of financial data which improved the quality, accuracy, and reliability of financial reporting for timely and effective decision-making; implemented a comprehensive human resources development plan which included the provision of scholarships for faculty/staff to pursue doctoral studies; sponsored the introduction of the College’s first corporate annuity pension plan, and a revised and improved group health plan, as well as a life and disability insurance plan; won the support of the COSTAATT Board of Trustees to undertake the long outstanding capital project to upgrade and expand implementation of the College’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, Banner; and commissioned a customer care training program for staff to enhance the quality customer service at the College.

Results:  The College is the only tertiary education institution in Trinidad and Tobago to possess an integrated software platform for the administration of academic program, student services, finance, procurement, and human resources; the integrated platform confers superior capability for data mining, analysis and information sharing to inform management decisions; improved benefits package enables the College to compete more favorably against other tertiary providers seeking to attract and retain quality staff, especially in critical hard to recruit areas. Financial reporting to the Board and executive leadership is now done on a monthly basis; procuring goods and services has improved by over 75 percent as a result of implementing on-line procurement; over 80 percent of the College’s recurrent expenses is paid within 30 days of receipt of invoice; and as a result of implementing and enforcing more stringent student registration policies 90 percent of student receivables are collected within the semester incurred. In addition, by implementing minimum class size and stricter enforcement of faculty workload requirements the cost per credit hour of educating a student has been reduced by over 40 percent.

Improve Institutional Visibility and Image: Re-Branded the College’s marketing and communications strategy to promote the transformational nature of education using the motto of “Transforming Lives, Transforming Communities, Transforming the Nation – One Student at a Time”; copyrighted the tagline and introduced the official College newsletter “Transforming Lives” and “Transformation” – the official College magazine.  Established the COSTAATT Foundation to develop strategic partnerships and alliances with business and industry and embark on fundraising with the view towards diversifying revenue streams and reducing reliance on Government funding.
Results: The College’s brand recognition is well established and is reinforced through its academic programs and student support services; thereby making the College a household name that has become a key driver in promoting the transformational effect of education in national development. The COSTAATT Foundation, once fully implemented, will provide the College with the means to supplement funding for capital and other projects that might otherwise not be possible based on necessary prioritization of Government funding.

Upgrade Physical Infrastructure: Opened new campus sites in San Fernando (South, Trinidad) and Scarborough, Tobago in 2009; established a new full-service campus in Sangre Grande (East Trinidad) in January 2012; and a National School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences which is scheduled to open in 2013. Commissioned the development of a comprehensive facilities master plan to detail the academic and infrastructural requirements for the College’s long-term development; and turned sod for the phased construction of the College’s flagship campus in Chaguanas (Central Trinidad). 
               Results:  These new sites in San Fernando and Tobago have provided students with               access to upgraded, modern learning environments conducive to teaching and l          earning; with the establishment of facilities in Sangre Grande (East Trinidad), the   College will be the first tertiary education institution to provide local access for          populations in that geographic area. Additionally, with the siting of the main campus            in Chaguanas (Central Trinidad) all segments of the population of Trinidad and          Tobago would have easy access to state-of-the art teaching and learning       environments.